Thursday, September 24, 2009

Learn How to Draw Heads

Learning how to draw heads boils down to knowing the basic anatomy of the human head.

When you first learn how to draw heads, don't make the mistake of assuming that heads are shaped like an egg.
If you do, the result often ends up looking more like a football than a real human head-the back of the head is missing.

Feel the back of your head with your hand, and it will be obvious that it is more pronounced than the round curve of an egg.

If you look at a picture of a human skull, you will see that it bears little resemblance to an egg. The human head actually looks more like a short loaf of bread stuck to the bottom of a giant egg that's lying on it's side.
If you keep this “big picture” in mind throughout the process, the details of where to place the eyes, nose, ears, etc. will come more easily.
Every human head is uniquely shaped. If you learn how to draw heads well by understanding the structure and paying attention to each individual difference, even without filling in all the features, you will be amazed how quickly you can achieve a likeness of your subject.

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